D&G Explorers - Obi Wan Kenobi
Honoring Derek & Greg: The Obi-Wan Kenobi Acknowledgement
In a galaxy not so far away, there exists a duo whose adventurous spirit, unwavering determination, and boundless enthusiasm have made them legends within the online community. Tonight, we pay tribute to D&G Explorers, Derek and Greg, honoring their remarkable journey, their indomitable spirit, and their enduring passion for exploration.

Rob Fuz - R2-D2
Presenting the R2-D2 Recognition to Rob Fuzz
In a digital galaxy filled with countless stars, one droid shines brighter than most, guiding travelers through the vast expanse of social media with unparalleled expertise and unwavering dedication. Tonight, we honor Rob Fuzz with the prestigious R2-D2 Award, recognizing his remarkable contributions as a social media guru and his steadfast support for creators across the community.